> 35 Ingredients Home Grains Recipe


  1. SORGHUM - For Healthy Spleen and Stomach, help in digestion, lower cholesterol
  2. BROWN RICE - Enhance immune system (rich in vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre) 
  3. BLACK GLUTINOUS RICE- Nutritious "proanthocyanidins" content can be anti-cancer, anti-aging.
  4. OATS - Lower cholesterol and Blood Lipids Level, prevention of Cadiovascular disease. 
  5. PEARL EMBRYO RICE - A viable "living rice" , a rich source of nutrition rice. 
  6. WHEAT GERM - High Antioxidant, Trace Elements, Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, phosphorus higher than meat and milk.
  7. BUCKWHEAT -With a Variety of Nutrients and Eight kinds of Amino Acids is to control blood sugar. 
  8. WHEAT - Rich in Catalytic elements that can stabilise mood, rapid improvements in anaemia and mineral deficiencies and cardiovascular disease.
  9. MILLET - Can nourish the stomach, reduce heat, help urination, digestion
  1. CORNS Linoleic acid can prevent cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, lower blood sugar, prevention of eye macular disease for elderly
  2. RED RICE BEANS - Diuresis, Reduce Edema, Stop Vomiting
  3. GREEN BEANS - Contains various amino acids needed by the body, detoxifications, lowering cholosterol. 
  4. BLACK BEANS - To promote blood circulation, reduce edema, reduce flatulence and nourish the liver.
  5. RED BEANS - Blood production, helps cell repairs, anti-aging. 
  6. SOYBEANS - Soften blood vessels, enhance cell function and promote brain development.   
  7. BLACK SESAME - Beauty skin, light hair, Anti-cancer, Anti-Radiation, Reduce cholesterol and Fat.  
  8. OAT BRAN - Rich in B-glucan as the "aristocracy of dietary fiber" help in intestinal detoxification and also expert in fat metabolism. 
  9. BLACK EYED PEAS - Rich in carotene, anti-cancer, detoxification.  

  1. APPLE FIBER - Regulation of Intestinal function, regulate blood lipids.
  2. OAT FIBER - Control obesity, blood pressure, cholesterol, help defecation. 
  3. SOLUBLE FIBER - To help in weight loss, cancer prevention, prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids, gallstones, blood pressure, blood lipids 
  1. CALCIUM - Strengthens bones, teeth, emotional stability.
  2. MAGNESIUM - Help in utilisation of calcium and potassium. 
  3. POTASSIUM - Regulating acid-base balance, protein metabolism within the cell, maintain nerve health. 
  4. ZINC - helps in glucose and lipid metabolism and also cancer. 
  5. CHROMIUM - Helps in glucose and lipid metabolism and also cancer. 
  1. VITAMIN B COMPLEX - To help in carbohydrate and protein metabolism of fat in order to release energy. 
  2. STEVIA - Suitable for diabetics natural sugar substitute.
  3. SKIM MILK - High protein, low in fat, rich in calcium. 
  4. PORIA - Help to balance hormones, calm emotions, moisturised internal organs, maintaining body quality. 
  5. YAM - Prevention of vascular fat deposition, to maintain elasticity of blood vessels, is the complements of vitality. 
  6. GORDON ENRYALE SEED - Good for spleen and blood, beautify the skin anti ageing. 
  7. LILY - Protect lungs and to help insomnia 
  8. WALNUT - Brain wisdom fruit is rich in vitamin E, unsaturated fat, can lower the cholesterol and blood pressure, as a skincare and also anti aging. 
  9. ORGANIC FLAX SEED - Omega 3 acid content, can reduce triglycerides cholesterols, protect cardiovascular, but also improve women prementrual syndrome.
  10. SOY LECITHIN - Together with protein and vitamin as third major nutrients" commonly known brain gold, can delay aging, prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease, brain puzzle, liver protection. 
  11. B-GLUCAN - A powerful free radical scavenger, has highly improve the body's immunity.  
  12. RED BEEF ROOT - Folic acid and minerals, prevent anemia, cancer treatment and prevention of high blood pressure and blood disorders
  13. ALMONDS - Magnesium, calcium content  rich, strong bones moisturize the skin. 
  14. BARLEY - Spleen and lungs, eliminate swelling, anti tumour, anti-wrinkle, whitening effect.
  15. GINGKO BILOBA - increase oxygen, activation of brain cells, whitening and also anti-plaque.  


  1. do i bunch it with hot or cold water?

    1. Use hot water to properly dilute it. Im glad it tasted good!

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